Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu is an action comedy family animated TV series that centers on the adventures of four ninjas. The series is based on the Lego toy series of the same name. Two pilot episodes were shown on Cartoon Network on January 14, 2011, sometimes split into four episodes. In the UK it currently airs on CBeebies. A video-game called Lego Battles: Ninjago was based on the show. Due to the popularity of the pilot episodes, the first season was launched from December 2011 – April 2012 alongside a new line of sets marketed as "Rise of the Snakes". In the later half of 2012, a second season began transmission, with a month-long gap between episodes six and seven. The pilot episodes were released on DVD in March 2011, and the first season became available on DVD in Region 1 on June 26, 2012.[1] The series as a whole has an estimated budget of 37,000,000 krone[2] (£4,600,000). A Ninjago special which lasted 1 hour aired on CBeebies in December 2012. The Ninjago special only aired in the UK. (the cast remained the same)
Episode 8 Once Bitten Twice Shy
Jay and Nya have to cut their first date in Mega-Monster Amusement Park short, as the Serpentine arrive to retrieve the first of four fang blades to be used to awaken the Great Devourer. But Jay pricks his hand on the fang of a skeletal Fangpyre, triggering a transformation... Jay finds his true potential in this episode.
1st On Net
Episode 8 Once Bitten Twice Shy
Jay and Nya have to cut their first date in Mega-Monster Amusement Park short, as the Serpentine arrive to retrieve the first of four fang blades to be used to awaken the Great Devourer. But Jay pricks his hand on the fang of a skeletal Fangpyre, triggering a transformation... Jay finds his true potential in this episode.
1st On Net