Hey Guyz in this post we change the color of windows folder.Windows default folder color is yellow.We see every folder in this color. We don't want see every folder in yellow color because this is irritated . So here I give you a trick to change the default color of Windows. You can change every folder color.
This trick give your computer a new look. Your computer different from others.
You can remember Folder from his color.So don't waste time and ready to change color of folder.
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This trick give your computer a new look. Your computer different from others.
You can remember Folder from his color.So don't waste time and ready to change color of folder.
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How to Change the Color Folder in Windows 7
Step 2: Install Folder colorizer and navigate to any folder that you wish to assign a new color. Right click on that folder and you will see a Folder Colorizer in the options.
Step 3: Choose your favourite color for Folder
Step 4: After Choosing your favourite Color you will see that color has been assigned to the selected folder. repeat same steps for other Folders too.
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Choose the color for folder and make your computer more Comfortable and easy to use.