WhatsApp is very Popular Messanger in all Platforms but mostly in Android. Sometimes you want delete your Whatsapp Account ,I don't want your reason. So here I explain you how can you delete your whatsapp account in very simple way. You Find Delete Whatsapp Button in Whatsapp Android App.
How You Delete Your Whatsapp Account.
Open Whatsapp App in Phone.
Press the Menu Button > Settings > Account > Delete My Account.
Enter your Phone Number and Tap Delete My Account Button.
Whatsapp Delete Account Process
Note that If you once delete your account you can't recover your Whatsapp account.Hack and Extract Whatsapp Messages Without PC in Android Mobile
When you delete your Whatsapp account you delete your Contacts,Groups,Chat History and Much More.
How to Download and Install Whatsapp for Windows 7,8 and 8.1 PC (Video and Pictures)
How You Delete Your Whatsapp Account.
Open Whatsapp App in Phone.
Press the Menu Button > Settings > Account > Delete My Account.
Enter your Phone Number and Tap Delete My Account Button.