Every twitter users want 1000 of twitter follower. Twitter is a Biggest Competitor of Facebook. In this post i share you a trick with this trick you can follow 1000 of twitter users in just second. When you follow somebody of course they follow you. Basically this is one line mass twitter follow script for Twitter Followers.
So here we Go more Getting More Followers
1. Open any user Follow list like mine Twitters Followers.
2. You see lots of follow button on that page.
3. In Mozilla or Firefox press F12 and click on console.
4. Copy this javascript ,paste on console box and press enter.
5. Whoo ,you see that all follow button turn into following button.
So this is javascript for following 1000 of twitter followers in just sec.
Use this script only one time a day.
Not follow more than 400users/day.
For getting more follower follow celebarity followers list.
So here we Go more Getting More Followers
1. Open any user Follow list like mine Twitters Followers.
2. You see lots of follow button on that page.
3. In Mozilla or Firefox press F12 and click on console.
4. Copy this javascript ,paste on console box and press enter.
avascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('button-text follow-text'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }
5. Whoo ,you see that all follow button turn into following button.
So this is javascript for following 1000 of twitter followers in just sec.
Use this script only one time a day.
Not follow more than 400users/day.
For getting more follower follow celebarity followers list.