Websites Common Error Codes and their Reasons


In daily life we surf many websites but sometimes we some error codes on many websites like error 404 not found. In here I explain what is mean of that error codes. So you know what the truth.
Websites Common Error Codes and their Reasons

Website Common Error Codes

- Error 200 – OK
It means the Action is Completed Successfully.

 - Error 202 - Accepted
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
- Error 204 – No Content
The Server has received a request,But there is not Information available to send it Back.

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- Error 400 – Bad request.
The Request was impossible to be satisfied.
- Error 401 – unauthorized request.
It mean that the user has failed to provide a vaild Password or Username to the directory.
- Error 402 – Payment Details Required.

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-Error 403 – forbidden.

It implies to when  Request does not specify a Directory name or the File name.
- Error 404 – Not found.
This is Very Comman Error it mean that the file you are Requested is Not Found.
- Error 500 -Internal error.
It implies that Server has encountered an Unexpected Condition.

- Error 501 – Not Implemented

The server does not support the Facility or Function that is Required.

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- Error 502 – Bad Gateway

It mean that the Server Cannot Request Command activity due to High-load.

- Error 503 -Service unavailable.

This is Due to Overload in Server and it is Temporary Issue.

- Error 504 – Gateway Time-Out

The Sever did’t Respond but the Gateway is Waiting for it.

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- Error 505 – HTTP Version not supported/ DNS Lookup 

This are the most Comman Internet Errors and their Reasons.