How To Create Online Forms

How To Create Online Forms
Building a website can be easy. There are an abundance website templates available, and hosting is cheap. Web designers often start with a prefabricated design and customize it to meet their client’s needs. This works well and keeps a great many clients happy.

This happiness continues, until it comes to forms. Adding forms to a site can be time consuming, tedious, and can require accessing all aspects of the site. First the HTML needs to be built. Then it needs to be styled with CSS. Adding some JavaScript for error checking is a nice touch. Spam protection is a must, so CAPTCHA integration is necessary. And then you need to send the submission results to the server and do something with them. Store them in a database, send in an email notification, integrate with a third party system- all these and more are what awaits web developers in building forms.

Today I’m going to show you how to use an online form building service to seamlessly handle building, designing, and integrating your forms. There are many services available- I’m going to focus on the one with the most attractive free offering, JotForm

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